Fertile Ground- Setting the Foundation for Conception- Part 1

black swallowtail caterpillar- "big joe"

big joe- a black swallowtail caterpillar

It was April 2012 when our friends Blade and Reznor came into town one weekend tracking their ovulation cycle and their sperm donor to Toronto. It was actually their first insemination and we were hosting!

It couldn’t have been more perfect timing the fecundity in our house was bomping. We were hatching three species of butterflies and had just found out our male snake was actually a female when she popped out 23 (unfertilized) eggs!

The room in our basement that I use for  meditation and yoga became the womb chamber. I set out to print fertility goddess images and ripe pregnant bellies, quotes on motherhood and golden sperm to set the tone.

The rendez-vous was to happen in the early morning before their donor, Ebert, had to get to some meetings. We all ate breakfast and giggled as we picked out some internet porn we thought might assist Ebert with his “task at hand”- you know, just to make him more comfortable to walk into a house with four lesbians eager for him to do his business and help make a baby already!

It was a pretty surreal and comical experience to be an observer for and also we felt so blessed that we could be a part of it. Wait, let me clarify we didn’t “observe” all the processes  involved but there was ample discussion about textures and volumes and angles of syringes and B12 supplements. So I felt like I was right in there, taking notes.

And not that day, but Blade, Reznor and Ebert did create a beautiful baby boy who was born in August 2013.

So we decided after that to set our  foray into familydom for the following April, 2013.

And now to prepare….

first flight! red admiral on clematis

first flight! red admiral on clematis